What made you 😂 today?

TCG Member 2988

TCG Elite Member
Oct 6, 2010


Aka "That Focus RS Guy"
Sep 19, 2010
My family was throwing around idea's for a sleep over at my house so we can do a water park weekend at Hurricane Harbor.

They wanted to camp out in the backyard with their dog.

I said NOOOOOO sir, BAD idea. There be Coyote's and a midnight snack is not what you want your dog to become.

They said, "they won't jump your fence, its too tall."

My fence is only ~4-5ft tall.

So I walked looked outside this after noon and saw a bunch of feathers in the yard and thought WTF is that?

YEP! Coyote got some Take out and had dinner in my back yard! My cats must have been salivating at the window when this guy was having his dinner.

Ain't nothing left but feathers and a few scraps of flesh.


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