I'm actively mad about this one. So I found out that one of the "World Famous" New Haven style pizzas, Frank Pepes, had a location here in NY, and it was pretty close. So I drove on over to try it out.
So I read up on the back story of this place a little, and the original pie they made here was actually just tomato and without cheese. So I wanted to try that out, as well as a slice with cheese. So I did half with cheese and half "original" without cheese. The half without cheese actually wasn't too bad. The sauce was a little "Meh" but the crust stayed crisp and didn't get all greasy. It was edible at best.
The cheese side? It might have been the worst slice of pizza I have ever consumed. The cheese was the biggest greasy pile of watery disgustingness that I've ever seen. This is legit nightmare fuel for me. It totally saturated the crust, and made it a greasy floppy mess. The coal fired crust is supposed to be crisp, but with it totally covered in watery cheese and grease, it just felt hard and wet. I can't believe I was able to actually eat the whole slice.
This is, hands down, the worst pizza I've ever had. My entire day is ruined. The next person that says (and means it) that New Haven pizza is the best in the world is getting punched square in the face.
I actually feel sorry for people who grow up on this stuff and only get to experience stuff like this as "pizza".
This is the kind of thing that you get as a result when you get home drunk as fuckkkkkkkk after every food place is closed and you're hungry as fuck. And you think "shitttttt, I could make myself a pizza" and you slap it together with whatever you have laying around.
Score: 0.5/10
It gets half a point for at least being hot.
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