Dude, I'm totally with you. I just decided to re-watch it for the first time in over 25 years (I'm 34 now). My first Indy movie was The Last Crusade and I loved it as a kid. At some point in the 90s I got the VHS trilogy and watched Raiders and Temple of Doom, which even at such a young age I didn't think either of them were all that great (I'll have to re-watch The Last Crusade soon b/c my brother recently told me that one doesn't hold up well either, but I hope he's wrong...). So...what with the new one coming out (I haven't seen Crystal Skull, btw, my brother said it was horrible so I've never had the urge to check it out), I started watching Raiders again and man my opinion hasn't changed at all even from my 9-year-old self. The intro is just goofy, hell everything is goofy. Terrible acting, lines, humor is too goofy. Everything just comes off awkward, and yes, as you said, the pacing is terrible. Everything is just presented in an uninteresting way, especially that exposition scene after the intro. I've heard that this was the bees knees when it came out, but it didn't hold up for me in the late 90s, and it certainly doesn't hold up for me today. And there's tons of movies from those times that I still think are great, even ones by Steven Spielberg, of course. Jaws is still one of my favorite movies, still holds up (though I will admit it's getting harder and harder for me to avoid wincing at how fake the shark looks, didn't bother me at all when I was younger). Close Encounters - still great. I've long since realized that even the original Star Wars trilogy is actually pretty boring, but I think I'd still rather watch them than Indy at this point.