- Joined
- Oct 8, 2008
- Location
- Grand Rapids, MI

It's that time again folks! Time for Fantasy Football! The league has, of course, auto-renewed like always. That doesn't mean anything, just makes it easier if you are already in. To be in I need actual confirmation in this thread.
As always, I am giving priority to the people that participated last season. People that were in last season are in as placeholders on the list below, until you have confirmed that you are in.
It is now a $75 buy-in. Unless you guys wanna up it (be reasonable, this is supposed to be a fun league). Post up suggestions if you want to. You can begin PayPal me for payment as soon as you confirm you are in.
PayPal is: [email protected]
I am setting a draft date of Sunday August 25th at 5PM Central Time. Please confirm your availability. As always I will make an effort to accommodate everyone, but as always, a majority will take priority. Trying to avoid making it on a holiday weekend (the following weekend).
1. Sprayin








10. H Huggerorange73 - IN - $$$


I know it's late and the season starts soon. So I'll give a week or two for everyone to respond before looking for replacements. If you are willing to be an alternate, on the waiting list, please let me know.
Waiting list:
These are the rules that we have had for years and years. It has worked, but to try to make everyone happy, I'll listen to adjustments. If you animals really really want PPR, I'll need a unanimous vote. Only vote if you're in.
Any questions/concerns about rules post them up! I will try to accommodate every request if majority is in favor.
This is a copy of the rules from last season. I will hear requests about rule changes:
Scoring: Head-to-Head
Roster Positions:QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
Offense_____________________________ League Value
Passing Yards------------------------> 25 yards per point
Passing Touchdowns-------------------------> 4
Interceptions-------------------------------> -2
Rushing Yards-----------------------> 10 yards per point
Rushing Touchdowns-------------------------> 6
Receptions---------------------> 1 point per reception
Reception Yards---------------------> 10 yards per point
Reception Touchdowns-----------------------> 6
Return Touchdowns--------------------------> 6
2-Point Conversions--------------------------> 2
Fumbles------------------------------------> -1
Fumbles Lost--------------------------------> -2
Offensive Fumble Return TD-------------------> 6
Kickers______________________________ League Value
Field Goals 0-19 Yards-------------------------> 3
Field Goals 20-29 Yards------------------------> 3
Field Goals 30-39 Yards------------------------> 3
Field Goals 40-49 Yards------------------------> 4
Field Goals 50+ Yards--------------------------> 5
Point After Attempt Made----------------------> 1
Defense/Special Teams_________________League Value
Sack-----------------------------------------> 1
Interception----------------------------------> 2
Fumble Recovery------------------------------> 2
Touchdown-----------------------------------> 6
Safety----------------------------------------> 2
Block Kick-------------------------------------> 2
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns-----------> 6
Points Allowed 0 points-----------------------> 10
Points Allowed 1-6 points----------------------> 7
Points Allowed 7-13 points---------------------> 4
Points Allowed 14-20 points--------------------> 1
Points Allowed 21-27 points--------------------> 0
Points Allowed 28-34 points-------------------> -1
Points Allowed 35+ points---------------------> -4
We will be doing a LIVE Online draft. You MUST be present at the draft (well technically not, it'll autodraft you if you don't show up, but its much better if you show up. Also, you'll be an asshole, and no one likes an asshole.
I'll be asking

Also, like to send out a Congrats to

Payouts are as follows
1st - $675
2nd - $225