Finished this up last night. This show started out so great and then kinda fizzled out near the end. But I was watching one of the SC vids, and it was mentioned that this season was SUPPOSED to be 6 episodes instead of 5, and somewhere along the line the budget got massively cut, and you can definitely tell in the last couple episodes. Overall tho I did enjoy this show, and god Vincent D'Onofrio was just born to play Kingpin. Absolutely fantastic from him so I'm all for any show that puts him on the screen more. This was definitely more like the netflix marvel shows and I loved the overall grittiness of it, but all that hype of it being this big bad TV-MA rated mature viewing show, was pretty much just that, hype.
Also props to the sound design, and the way they'd bring you into Maya's head at certain points so you could "hear" things from her perspective.
TLDR: Wasn't horrible but could have been better.