Help Wanted College or older HS kids summer help


TCG Elite Member
TCG Premium
Aug 4, 2010
I've posted this a few times over the last couple of years, and will try again. I'm going to need summer help and prefer older HS kids (17 or 18yr olds) or college kids home for the summer looking to make money. Basic knowledge of hand tools, box cutters, and battery powered screw guns is a must. Must also have transportation and having their own tools will be a plus. (screw gun and bits). I can be very flexible on their availability, but once they commit to certain days and hours, I'm going to fully expect them to be there. I'm looking for 6-8 kids, and the hardest part of their days will be getting to work on time, its super easy work.

M-F 7a-3:30p and sometimes 8a-4:30p
$20hr paid weekly

Job Site #1 Starts early June
Glenview area, basically unloading trailers, uncrating and placing 1000's of chairs at 2 different high schools. Will train a few kids to put together small desks as well.

Job Site #2 No start date yet, but shooting for July
My whse 39th and Damen in the city, yes they will be safe. If going there is a deal breaker, then I'll only send them to Glenview.
Assembling terminal seating for the Ohare job that I'm pretty confident we are going to land. We can even do 6a-2p on this if they prefer an earlier start and quit time.


TCG Elite Member
TCG Premium
Aug 4, 2010
My younger son (18) would probably be interested. He’s really into woodwork, going to college for engineering in the fall.
Is your son interested, I just rcvd a firm start date of July 1st. He would 100% be in Glenview every day for 4-6 weeks. (7a-3:30p)
If he cant commit to 5 days a week, thats totally fine, just need him to stick to whatever days he says he is available. Its pretty important I have the same crew there on a daily basis as they will get a little system going after the first few days


TCG Elite Member
TCG Premium
Aug 4, 2010
Bump this one last time.
Starting Thursday, I can guarantee kids/adults 32-40hrs a week into August.
I can work around their schedules as well, just need them to commit to days they are available.
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