Gaming Anybody getting Horizon Zero Dawn?


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
My goal tonight for what little time i'd allotted myself to play the game was to resupply everything i'd used up in the huge battle the night before and build up even more resources for the next big fight. Well, where i'd saved my game at a campfire, I discovered I was near a new person that had a sidequest, so I thought hey, i'll just go over and get the quest added to my list so I can go back to it at a later time........well w/ this particular sidequest, w/out warning the action started right away! And I got into a battle w/ a crap ton of machines, one of which was another new machine id never fought before. I was like come on!! :rofl:

But I made it thru. Now w/ even less resources. So after THAT, I spent the rest of the night gathering resources and trying to stock back up on health potions and traps and etc. All the health potions need fatty meats and rich meats tho, and it takes a damn long time to hunt enough animals to stock up :rofl: I did also buy a sling shot that lobs freeze bombs and electric bombs. And maxed out my resource carrying capacity, as well expanding my capacity for traps and potions and modifications.

Hopefully I'm better equipped for the next big fight now. Probably not tho.

I really need to start advancing this game along. I havent done a main quest in I don't know how long :rofl:

Boost Leeroy

When in doubt, throttle out
TCG Premium
Jan 28, 2011
I seriously just dropped all my first skill points in gathering resources and making more things per resource, helps a ton.


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
Here is what I called the "death grass" for a short while. I hid in this patch of grass and took out 7 watchers and 2 scrappers one at a time.


Silent strike and lure call where of the first 2 skills i purchased in this game, and I couldnt be happier w/ them. :rofl: Saves you so much grief when you can just call a machine over to you and pick it off w/out any of the others being the wiser. One by one. My whistle is their death song.

Also took down 2 more fire bellowbacks tonight. Got to utilize my new slingshot w/ freeze bombs. SO much easier to take them down.


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
I still dont know what im gonna do when mass effect comes out in a couple weeks. Im definitely not gonna be done with this game. And ive already abandoned mafia 3 and RE7 for this. #firstworldproblems


From the quiet street
TCG Premium
Aug 3, 2007
Hanover Park
I for sure want to pick this up. Only have a peasant regular PS4 and 1080P TV. Dont care about graphics as much as I want a good game.


Truck GANG
Jul 4, 2007
I've been hooked and playing when I can. I'm still in the Nora region and slowly venturing out, but Main quest I'm at is "seeker at the gates".

I stumbled across a thunderjaw and took the bitch down. I have shit weapons but at level 23 :rofl:


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
Finally got some more time w/ the game today after not touching it for 2 weeks. Took down my first shell walker. Man those things are mean. Also took down a......crap i dont remember its name. But its a big robot aligator. And it does not like you. :rofl:

Also bought a shadow hunter bow :fy: has regular arrows, fire arrows, AND the hardened/tear arrows, and 3 mod slots. I really wanna get the shadow tripcaster, cuz you get shock wires, fire, and i think explosive. But i need to go collect me a scrapper heart first.

I also purchased a fast travel pack that allows for infinite fast travel. No more wasting resources crafting stupid fast travel packs. So that will come in quite handy, as is it god damn impossible to travel ANYWHERE on this map w/out running into a pack of whatevers always right in your path. I appreciate that it fits the lore of the game that its dangerous to travel anywhere anymore in this land because the machines are so widespread and aggressive, but man does it get tiring having to get into 3 or 4 battles just to get to my destination when i try to go there by foot.

Opened up a new area of the map finally so next time i boot the game up my first priority will be to find the find the nearest tallneck and override it so i can clear all the fog off the map and see what im dealing with.

Im level 20 now and my main quest is still at like level 12. :rofl:

oh, and i highly suggest obtaining the skill that lets you notch 3 arrows on your bow at once. I always forget i have that ability now. But it makes hunting boars so much nicer. One shot one kill. Its kinda nice against humans too when you don't have time to line up a perfect head shot.


Truck GANG
Jul 4, 2007
I'm at level 35, have all shadow weapons, have 1 cauldron left and one or 2 tall necks to get to. Oh and I still haven't been to the sun city Meridian lol.

The shell walker is easy. Sharpshot bow with explosive tips to the claws and shell, you're welcome. Use the shit out of the blast sling. I just got the Shadow blast sling, which has sticky bombs that are stronger. Snapmaw is the alligator, you'll get better at killing them. Aim for their backs


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
Tried making my way to the tallneck a little while ago, and halfway into my journey got attacked by a flock of those glinthawks or whatever they are. I FORGOT THERE ARE ONES THAT FLY. :rofl:


Staff member
TCG Premium
May 23, 2007
Avondale, AZ
Yeah, glinthawks arent actually as much of a pain in the dick as i thought they were gonna be, compared to the others. haha. Finally made my way to that tallneck. Had to eliminate a bunch of snapmaws, watchers, and a couple glinthawks just to clear the path. Luckily i had high ground and was able to engage snapmaws one at a time from the safety of my perch.

Some more pics ive collected.








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