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  1. GTPpower

    Automotive Cinema Vehicle Services auctioning off 350 movie cars.

    Hmmmmm.....1962 corvette.....
  2. GTPpower

    Do All Smart TV's Suck?

    In my experience, the TV apps work well for a few years, then start to get really slow. When that happens, i just buy the cheapest firestick I can find and run the apps through that.
  3. GTPpower

    Food / Drink Have you ever had pigeon before?

    I would try it.
  4. GTPpower

    ❄️ The Official TCG Complains about Snow Yearly Despite Living in the Midwest and it never snows here anyway ❄️

    We usually have pretty similar temps to you guys though. This came out of nowhere though.
  5. GTPpower

    ❄️ The Official TCG Complains about Snow Yearly Despite Living in the Midwest and it never snows here anyway ❄️

    3" of snow yesterday. And here's my drive this morning.
  6. GTPpower

    Post your Facebook marketplace home page

  7. GTPpower

    3800 3800 things- Neat intake from down under. Holley High-Mang

    Yes, it's a 52 pro or whatever they classified it as. 71mm inductor iirc. It was $600 brand new when I bought it.
  8. GTPpower

    3800 3800 things- Neat intake from down under. Holley High-Mang

    I was going to ask what the problems were. Maybe it doesn't apply to us, but who knows. Baz seems to be pretty helpful on some topics. I'll ask.
  9. GTPpower

    3800 3800 things- Neat intake from down under. Holley High-Mang

    China knocked off the A2A plate. Looks like it could get it shipped to me for less than $400...
  10. GTPpower

    3800 Won a 97 gtp on auctiontime

    4-7 ltft, but the o2 is not cycling like it should. It's really slow.
  11. GTPpower

    3800 Won a 97 gtp on auctiontime

    Trash was just picked up sadly. 😆
  12. GTPpower

    3800 Won a 97 gtp on auctiontime

    When I start this thing on a cold engine, it idles fast, like 1300. Slowly it works it's way up to 2000 after a few minutes of running, and I shut it off. Let it sit for 10 minutes, and it starts and runs normal. No tps signal, but I don't think that would cause this. Iac seems to be...
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  15. GTPpower

    Auto/Home Insurance recommendations....and go!

    I suppose this depends on the plan, but i believe some roofs are on a depreciation schedule. On my plan at 25 years, I don't think I would get anything.
  16. GTPpower

    Auto/Home Insurance recommendations....and go!

    How old is your roof?
  17. GTPpower

    Gaming Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

    I like how you remove the block from the crank, and the crank just floats. Must be fancy German engineering.
  18. GTPpower

    Food / Drink What's something that instantly ruins a burger?

    Plant based meat is the only thing I can think of.
  19. GTPpower

    Build Upside-down M90 GTP build thread

    So when I take this apart to put on my aluminum heads, do I need to keep track of how many turns i loosen up the adjuster on the rocker?
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