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  1. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    However, Lou's is not good reheated to me. Crust gets too soggy, cheese dries out.....etc. So I usually only order what I can finish in a night.
  2. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Those little pizza's were the thing I wanted every day for lunch in Jr High lol.
  3. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I'm a sucker for these. But honestly, Walmarts $5 pizza's are decent, not technically frozen pizza though.
  4. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    WhenI picked up Lou's last time I bought some of their frozen pizzas too. I picked up a Sausage Pizza, as well as a Italian Beef+Peppers Pizza. Gotta say this Beef+Peppers pizza is delicious! As a frozen pizza, I don't think I've ever had better. Only thing I did as liberally add crushed red...
  5. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I hadn't finished the video when I posted, but just finished it. At the end a freaking $2000 pizza with 24kt gold leaf? Ugh, no thanks, what a waste of money.
  6. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Grilled pizza? Interesting.
  7. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I think I like Milly's more between the two.
  8. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Wonder if its good.
  9. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread
  10. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I'm a fan of the refrigerated Walmart pizza's for when I want a pizza at home. I got one in the freezer now. Wish they had a smaller single serving one. I sometimes get annoyed with cutting a frozen pizza in half just to cook that, then storing the rest.
  11. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I did once order Mushrooms on it, and because of the extra water content from the mushrooms it made the crust get really soggy fast, so I avoid them. Instead of ordering Lous, I usually stop buy and pickup 2 or 3 of their frozen pizza's then just bake them myself. I haven't found too much...
  12. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I keep it simple, just a Sausage Deep Dish. But their buttercrust is delicious.
  13. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Sarpino's Santa Fe Chicken Ranch uses a Chipotle Ranch sauces, its delicious.
  14. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    I hate this thread, it makes me want Pizza now damnit.
  15. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    If I'm not getting Lou's, I love Sarpino's. Specially the Santa Fe Chicken.
  16. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Sarpino's decided to make a deep dish pizza. It was decent. Closer to Gino's or Giodano's than Lou's. Thicker crust, and a smoother sauce. Not bad. I'd probably order it again.
  17. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    Buffalo grove lous is the best one.
  18. Thirdgen89GTA

    Food / Drink The Official πŸ• Review Thread

    No pics. Had a family party last week and the restaurant of choice was Papa Passeros. Damned good pizza.
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